What in the World is “GIVING TUESDAY?”
“I never heard of it,” you say? I hadn’t either, until a couple of years ago. It was organized in 2012 by several large charitable organizations and it caught on immediately. The purpose of Giving Tuesday is to remind people that there is more to the holidays than consumerism and commercialization. (see the website called “Days of the Year”)
Giving Tuesday takes place on the Tuesday directly after American Thanksgiving, which in turn takes place on the 4th Thursday of November. Personally, I’ve observed that most believers tend to give all year around. Although I admit that it’s nice to have a reminder during this busy holiday season.
Of course, Cheri and I would be grateful if you would celebrate Giving Tuesday by helping us train Eastern Europeans to spread the Gospel. Your year-end-gift today will help us get off to a great start in 2017. We have more students waiting to be trained; more leaders asking for conferences; more ministry-oriented training materials that need to be produced.
Thank you for your concern and thank you in advance for your donation.
Happy Holidays,
Or send donations to our NEW address:
Rich and Cheri Strahm
c/o Equippers Network International
P. O. Box 887
Waxhaw, NC 28173