Should Americans Love Russians?

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Should Americans Love Russians?

I don’t know what you would say, but as both a missionary and as an American, I come at this question from two points of view. I love my country and consider myself a loyal American, but for many years I’ve also been training Russian-speaking Christians to take the Gospel to the nations.

Politically, I would rather that Russia didn’t interfere with politics in America or other countries. I’m especially concerned about Russia’s relationship with Ukraine, where I have lived and served the Lord since 1999.

Spiritually, (and I think you will agree with me), I believe God loves all the peoples of the Earth equally. He wants them all to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ, the only Savior, and to faithfully serve Him. Therefore, my answer is, “Yes,” American Christians should love Russians and other Russian speakers just as much as God does.

Konstantin Goncharov estimates that 3 to 6% of Russian-speakers are evangelical believers. Of the 285 million Russian-speakers worldwide, that would be between 8.5 million and 17 million brothers and sisters in Christ.

I’ve noticed that wherever Russian-speaking Christians go in the world — whether in Poland, Kenya or Florida — they are diligent to spread the gospel and establish new churches. They are willing to suffer hardship for the gospel, as has been their tradition for hundreds of years.

So, despite recent international politics, I hope none of you would ask me, “Rich, why are you putting so much effort into training Russian-speaking Christians?”

Thank you for praying for us and continuing to support us as we prepare Eastern Europeans to take the Gospel to the nations.
