In spite of the worst snow storm in 30 years, 60 people attended our Missions Awareness conference last weekend in Ivana-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Although I did the Bible teaching, my team of Ukrainian missionaries illustrated the importance of world missions with their personal testimonies. They’ve served in
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China.
Our conference theme was “Here am I, send me.” This is the first time young Ukrainians from this region have gathered for a missions conference. Several told me they had never heard that the Great Commission includes evangelizing people outside of their own country.
Thank you for praying. We asked the Lord for at least a 5% response to serve as foreign missionaries. The Lord blew us away with a 20% response! Please pray that we can keep in contact with these 12 young people in order to encourage them through the next steps to missionary service.
Rich Strahm
Director, Equippers Network International