Ukrainian Young People Need Your Help

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Ukrainian Young People Need Your Help

Why do they need help?

They need help attending the “Missions Awareness Conference” we are sponsoring in late October this year.

Whom did we invite? 

In cooperation with a local youth pastor, we have invited 100 key young people from the Chernivtsi region to this three-day conference. It will be the first such conference held in this region. (We had to re-schedule it from last spring.)  

What are the expected results?

In previous conferences we have seen between 5 and 20 percent of the attendees volunteer for missionary service. PTL! The desire to serve the Lord in missions is beginning to spread in Ukraine.

What are our goals?

We want these young people to understand that:

1.       God desires to evangelize the whole world, not just Ukraine

2.      God has uniquely prepared Ukrainians for cross-cultural ministry

3.     God is calling some to take the next step toward missionary service

What are our methods?

We want to communicate to young people by:

1.       Providing personal testimonies (Ukrainians we know who have served abroad)

2.      Teaching the Biblical basis for missions (presented by myself)

3.      Using visual media about missionary ministry (videos and Power Points)

4.      Engaging participants through activities (cultural “games,” dramas, prayer)

What are the normal costs of a conference?

After organizing many of these conferences I can predict the costs fairly accurately. As you can see in the chart to the right, most of the expense goes for food and facilities.

What is the cost of this conference?

The cost will be $3,245. We are asking these Ukrainian young people to pay their own transportation and a $9.00 registration fee. That will reduce the amount we need to raise for the conference to approximately $2,400.

How are additional funds acquired?

Since these conferences are “special projects” that are not in our mission budget, we are appealing to people like you to partner with us in this ministry event.

Could you sponsor one or more attendees for $24.00 each?

You can help us train them. If 100 people contribute $24.00 each by October 1st, we can go ahead with our plans for this conference.

Please join us in praying that many Ukrainians will respond to the Lord’s call during this conference!


Rich and Cheri Strahm