Three of the 13 Ukrainians I trained last November in Zhmerinka left for Kenya last January. Irina Antonyets (on the left below) lives with her husband in Kenya where they minister to orphans. Ira took the cross-cultural training with Olichka and Nina, then escorted them to Kenya for their first short-term mission trip. The team served in a medical ministry, led camp ministry, and helped with a construction project.
Irina’s and her husband’s ministry has grown, as they’ve helped a Kenyan pastor minister to children both spiritually and physically. Now they are establishing an orphanage that will house the children. The building is being completed with this team’s help.
Please pray that our next two-week training in Zhmerinka will be as fruitful. It is scheduled for November 11-22, 2013.
Thanks for praying. Together we are making a difference!