When Ukrainian young people want to learn something practical, they are NOT turning to books, but to short videos on the internet – usually 3 to 5-minutes long. If we want these young people to take world evangelism seriously, and not see missions as ancient or irrelevant, then we need to communicate using videos, too.
Therefore we are beginning to produce teaching videos that will help Russian-speaking Christians value the importance of world evangelism and help train them in cross-cultural ministry methods (265 million people world-wide speak Russian!).
Our goal is to create videos that are 1) sound in biblical content, 2) practical in application and 3) visually interesting. Follow one of the links below to watch one of the DEMO videos in English. (Russian versions are in production).
Thanks for praying,
Mt 28:19-20 (Part 1: What the Lord Wants the Church to Do)
Mt 28:19-20 (Part 2: How the Lord Wants the Church to Proceed)