Many of you have expressed concern for our safety as we return to Kiev on Wednesday, August 6th. We want to share with you some of the reasons we feel safe returning.
- The US Embassy in Kiev has not evacuated its personnel or their families. That’s a good sign. Our government has good intelligence and they send us regular emails about such things.
- The seminary has remained open throughout the civil war. We have students waiting for us who want to be trained to serve the Lord as pastors and missionaries.
- Our home in Kiev is over 400 miles from the fighting. Our Ukrainian friends tell us that Kiev is peaceful right now, although the economy is erratic.
- The Lord called us to serve Him in Ukraine, but has not yet called us to serve Him elsewhere. The safest place we can be is in His will.
Thank you for your concern. If the situation becomes too dangerous, we will relocate. For now, please keep praying for peace in Ukraine so that the gospel may continue to spread.
Rich and Cheri