The Lord burdened this young Ukrainian’s heart for the people of China when he spent 8 months there as an exchange student. Now he is studying with us in our World Missions Program in Kiev to prepare himself to return to China as a missionary.
Language Club Artur is not waiting for graduation to start ministering cross-culturally.
He organized a Language Club for foreign university students in his city. He attracts them by offering them free Russian lessons and ministers to them by befriending them and teaching them the Scriptures. These foreign students are freer to explore the teachings of Christ in Ukraine than they are in their home countries of China, Iran, Kazakhstan, etc.
Youth Pastor Artur is also the youth leader in his church in Lugansk, Ukraine. In this picture he is teaching the “Biblical Basis for World Missions” to some of the youth in his church. He wants them to understand God’s overall purpose for His church in the world today.
University Student While taking courses full-time in our seminary program, Artur is also studying in the university . His goal is to prepare himself professionally so he can gain entry into this “limited-access” nation with a secular degree.
Upcoming Course On February 8th he and the other World Missions majors will begin studying “the History of Missions” with our guest professor, Dr. James Sawyer from Tozer Seminary. Artur and his classmates, (Click here for photo), will undergo an intensive, two-week course. Prior to class each student needs to read 500 pages of missions history and be ready for a reading exam on the first day of class. For this course, the main text is “From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya” (in Russian) by Dr. Ruth Tucker.
Summer Ministry Artur is already planning ahead for the summer of 2012 when he, and all the World Missions majors, will make a required summer ministry trip to a foreign culture. They will put their cross-cultural skills to work in a nearby nation – learning language, studying culture, sharing their testimonies and serving the local church. He has already begun raising funds for his part of the trip expenses.
We are proud of each of the young people that the Lord has given us. They are like our children.
Please pray for Artur that:
Thank you for caring.
Rich and Cheri